
Showing posts from September, 2017

Second "Actual Content" Post (Deep Thought -Breakdown)

9/15/2017, 11:09 PM To explain the previous corresponding post: Two people had to make choice between two trees. One tree gave life. The other tree gave the knowledge of good and evil. Read it again. Did it say good OR evil? I didn't type "or". There were only two choices given, not two more choices within the latter. People can become confused between anything over the centuries. In storytelling and folklore, the remnants of each speech disappear under multiple possibilities. Now, think of every fight humankind has seen. Was there any good in it? How about the bad? Surely more than several have heard of the phrase "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." The word "problem" might not exist or at least might not have the same connotation or definition, had two people given a thought to consume the tree of life. To think that only the brainwashed of the extremists can't tell between right and wrong, they are building ...
9/20/2017 Previously on FB: Just now I learned that everything has a downfall. No one is your rival. In school, there is a collectivist culture that has the guise of nearly fascism where other schools are considered either inferior or rival to us. This idea is made to ensnare the simple minded and the blockheads whose beliefs weren't intended to be so easily converted to that of the educational fighter's. A school can fall under intense criticism where there once was an iconic respect for a school. Other schools are either modest, intellectually ignorant, or filled with programmable and self-unaware students. I can relate to latter school world. There are so many ways to explain a difficult concept that sometimes people must simulate the concept. Sometimes, this is understandable, especially when many students have a reasonable issue with trying to learn our nation's mortal and sinister history of dehumanizing evil hiding in the not-so-ancient South. I do not reprimand ...
9/27/2017, 6:35 PM Previously on IG: A question can be redefined/defined as its answer. A declarative sentence subconsciously/unconsciously asks of the characteristics that make up what the sentence itself expresses. A branch of this concept is sarcasm. Another branch of this concept is the involuntary urge to ask about the assertions in the sentence. Thus, a question is redundant introduction and redefinition of its answer. A declarative sentence denies ignorance of what is being stated. If a declarative sentence implies ignorance about something, then it is more likely voluntarily than involuntarily asking about what is not known. However, whether the question is voluntary or involuntary fundamental depends on the animal capable of reasoning that is asking the question.

Second "Actual Content" Post (Deep Thought)

9/15/2017, 11:09 PM Two people had to make choice between two trees. One tree gave life. The other tree gave the knowledge of good and evil. Read it again. Did it say good OR evil? I didn't type "or". People can become confused between anything over the centuries. In storytelling and folklore, the remnants of each speech disappear under multiple possibilities. Now, think of every fight humankind has seen. Was there any good in it? How about the bad? Maybe I am not the only one who has heard of the phrase "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." The word problem might not exist or at least might not have the same connotation or definition if two people had given a thought to consume the tree of life. If anyone thinks that only extremists or the brainwashed can't tell between right and wrong, they are actually wrong. Was the atomic bomb a good or bad? Did it frighten people enough to make them beg for an end to war, or did it open a pa...

First "Actual Content" Post

9/6/2017, 9:11 PM Previously on FB: Ego, dignity, and life are what we rent, and having nerve is when we profit in what we rent. We pay rent by suffering ignorance, mocking, and infinite human stupidity in a questionably infinite universe that could merely be our state of consciousness.